The port structure has a high level of complexity due its many sectors that must work harmonically for the efficiency of ships’ operation. Unfortunately Brazilian ports aren’t much efficient in comparison to ports of international reference but the national standards can still improve a lot with a better administration.
…….The port structure itself must be carefully chosen before its construction. Not only should the hydrographic aspects be studied, but also the proximity from production centers and the access to means of transport (highways and trains) in order to make easier the logistic of cargo transport.
……..For a ship to enter a Brazilian port or some canals the local laws regularize the use of both tugboats and pilot support. Tugboats are support vessels largely used in offshore operations and where many seafarers work. The pilot profession is probably the most desired among seafarers because of its remuneration, but it demands a high level of qualification and knowledge due to the responsibility involved in the acting areas.
……..Many port’s terminals are usually specialized to operate with a specific cargo type since each different sort of goods demands unique infrastructure assistance. For example tankers require pipelines as cargo carriers need cranes.
……..The surveys of ships on port are done by certified agents according to the IMO’s standards and the NORMANs in order to check the many aspects of maritime security, including the crew well-being. There are two main kinds of surveys: the PSC (Port State Control) for vessels from foreign flags and FSC (Flag State Control) for those with flags from the own State.
1121Curiosidades, Mercado » sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013 »The Port Structure
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